Thursday, August 25, 2011

Darby Takes a Dive

When we got back from dinner, Loren and I decided to take Darbs (aka Darblizzle, Bizzle, The Biz, etc.) down to the Riverwalk. It was getting late, so there were fewer people, but there were also MORE DUCKS. Though Darbs has webbed feet, she has a long-standing fear of water. That said, she could not stop following the ducks as they swam down the river. She would jump up when the barrier wall became higher, she would try to jerk me around the potted plants and trees so she could keep the ducks in her sight-line. She kept hugging the wall and trying to figure out how to get to the ducks without getting wet. And then...she made a tragic error in judgement. What she thought to be solid ground just on the other side of the wall was actually a collection of leaves and petals. She put out her front paws thinking she'd hit land and, instead, sank like a stone. She was under for a few full seconds before she came up sputtering and yelling. I was able to get down and grab her front paws and lift her out pretty quickly, despite the fact that we were laughing so hard that it was difficult to do anything else. (Had we been able to predict this, we would have been recording.) She came out unscathed, if considerably unsettled. Though we failed to get action shots, Loren did get a pic of a decidedly peeved Bizzle in the (quite necessary) bath afterwards.

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